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Library Trustee Minutes 11/13/08
James A. Tuttle Library
45 Main Street, Antrim, NH 03440

Board of Trustees Meeting
November 10, 2008

Present: Nancy Benda (Treasurer), Kathryn Chisholm (Library Director), Janis King, Connie Kirwin (Secretary), and Margaret Warner (Chair)

Minutes of the 10/13/2008 meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:
  • Insurance claim money was received and the invoice for the copier was paid.
  • The building fund account will be closed.
  • Reviewed budget to date.
  • Discussed use of coupons with future Staples orders.
  • Treasurer’s report accepted.
Director’s Report:
  • See attached.
  • Discussed family medical leave policy which is required with 50 or more employees. The Library has 1 full time employee and 4 part time employees and therefore is not required to comply with the law.
  • Discussed the inspection of the elevator which should have been done when the Town Hall elevator was inspected last month. Kathy will check with Neal Cass, the Town Administrator.
  • Kathy displayed the calendar that she will use for scheduling meeting space use at the library.
  • The town is making a public request for photos of the library to judge for selection for the cover of the 2008 Town Report.
  • Discussed the survey of the value of library services that is being conducted. Nancy will compile the information on a spreadsheet. This will be a useful tool to illustrate the value of the library at the budget meeting.
Old Business:  
  • Discussed possible reductions to proposed 2009 library/town budget. It was agreed to decrease the payroll budget to 3% and decrease the book request by 10%.
  • Discussed the meeting space policy; discussed political and religious use, kitchen use and refreshments, etc. Discussed the limitations on the number of people per meeting room. It was decided the limit would be 25 people in the second floor room and we would ask the advice of the building inspector on the number of people in the first floor meeting area. Kathy will present another draft at the next meeting.
  • Friends of the Library minutes were distributed. The meeting was extremely successful and everyone was enthusiastic. The Friends will be participating in the Patron Appreciation day on Saturday December 13.
  • Website maintenance procedure. All news will be sent to the website by the director. Trustee minutes will be sent by the secretary. Any other trustee news will be sent by the chair. The website will be updated on a monthly basis. Discussion on the centennial news. It was decided that the centennial ends December 21, 2008. New photos will be sent to the website.
  • CIP update: the new estimate came in lower at $10,700 due to the electrical work that has already been done. The generator will need a protective shelter from snow falling off the roof. A meeting with John Kendall is scheduled for Wednesday November 12 at 6:30 pm to discuss both the generator and the building rewiring estimates.  
New Business:
  • It was noted that any additional meetings except for executive sessions need to be posted on the calendar on the town’s website. Margie will make a point of notifying the town in the future.
  • Per the RSAs, the minutes need to be posted within 5 work days therefore they need to be posted on the Monday following the regular Monday Trustee meeting.
  • The town administrator, Neal Cass, is researching the value of the current insurance policy carried on the library. This will be discussed at a future meeting.
  • Discussed the Drop-off box program for the Food Pantry at the Baptist Church, Toys for Tots, and any other town sponsored program. It was decided that this was an excellent program for the library to participate in. The boxes will be placed in the foyer of the back entrance on the right side. It was suggested that an announcement should be placed on the town website.
  • Discussed proposed 2009 library trust fund budget. The trust fund income is expected to be about the same as 2008 income per the Trustees of the Trust Fund. The line items were adjusted based on 2008 expenditures and anticipated 2009 expenses.
  • Motion was made to limit the length of the trustee meetings. It was agreed that 2 hours is sufficient and if there is more to discuss then an additional meeting should be scheduled.
Next meeting:  December 8, 2008 at 7:30 pm at Tuttle Library.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie Kirwin, Secretary